We're so glad the Holy Spirit has led you to this connection in the Kingdom of God. We invite entire families to unite with us as we experience the power of God who is transforming people every single day for His glory! He makes the ordinary extraordinary by revealing Himself to us, redeeming us through the work of His Son Jesus, and reassuring us by the continual presence His Holy Spirit. All in all, we're a fellowship of faith moving forward in Jesus! Join us as we too, are being transformed!
Family worship time is Sunday morning at 10:30am which includes Transformation Youth Church! Our Midweek Manna Bible Study is every Wednesday where dinner is served at 6pm while study begins @7pm.
We look forward to seeing you soon on the campus of Transformation City! (Plan your first visit here)
Click here to learn more about TCAV
Connecting every generation to Jesus Christ & His Church.
At the core, we want to be a church that helps people discover God's plan, develop godly character that's evident in their daily life, and deploy them as kingdom citizens of transformation!
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We invite you to join us in what's more than a church, it's a movement to help transform the Antelope Valley! We desire to partner with those who want to see things change in them, so they can go forth and change the world!
Click here to propel thru giving
We appreciate your generosity. Your giving helps us advance the cause of Christ beyond the four walls of the church.
Giving Propels:
Mission to go beyond the pews, into the marketplace.
Training for transformation through innovative methods.
Marketing for impactful ministry throughout our community and beyond.
And more....
Expect showers tonight